Essential Oils are made from Plants made by God. Pray to Jesus for your Healing!
Camphor Essential Oil
The cooling effect of its anesthetic property temporarily obstructs the skin’s sensory nerves to calm the brain and to desensitize areas of the body affected by pain, resulting in numbness that can be helpful for relieving physical stress. It also reduces the intensity of nervousness, convulsions, anxiety, and spasms associated with epilepsy and cramps. The refreshing and relaxing scent of this calming oil is known to stimulate circulation, thereby offering relief to conditions including arthritis, rheumatic ailments, and gout.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
The Eucalyptus Tree is commonly associated with koala bears, as Eucalyptus leaves are their main source of food. The tree goes by several nicknames such as Fever Tree, Blue Gum Tree, and Stringy Bark Tree. this tree’s essential oils widely used as a traditional and natural medicine for centuries. First used by the Aboriginal people of Australia, who referred to is as “kino” and used it to heal most wounds, Eucalyptus leaves were made into infusions and used to treat body pains, colds, sinus congestions, and fevers, hence the nickname Fever Tree.
An English legend narrates the first use of Eucalyptus tree leaves for medicinal purposes: When an early English settler’s thumb was accidentally cut by an ax, his father advised him to apply a bandage made of bound Eucalyptus leaves around the stitched cut – something he had learned from studying Aboriginal folk medicine. A surgeon that later examined the wound was impressed by the speed of healing and the absence of infection in the finger.
These healing benefits can be attributed to the oil’s anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and stimulating qualities.
Ease your pain- anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, adults who were recovering from total knee replacement reported significantly less pain after inhaling eucalyptus oil for 30 minutes for three days in a row compared to those who didn’t, according to a 2013 study in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Helichrysum Essential Oil
Helichrysum italicum means ‘golden sun of Italy. Helichrysum Essential Oil may also be found under the pseudonym ‘Everlasting Essential Oil’ or ‘Immortelle’. Helichrysum Essential Oil comes from the Greek word ‘helios’ which means sun and gold.
Helichrysum is an extremely versatile oil that is sometimes called the ‘super arnica’ of aromatherapy – a highly desirable attribute that makes it a most important inclusion in natural therapy first aid kits.
Throughout history, Helichrysum has been used to reduce inflammation within and on the body as well as a remedy for muscular spasms. Similar to most essential oils that show success in treating nerve pain and neuropathy, helichrysum has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and is famous for being a potent & fast- acting pain reliever. The main compound in this oil is called Nerol, which has neuro-protective effects and reduces the loss of dopamine-producing neurons. Along with offering pain relief, this oil can help regenerate nerves by boosting the strength of the nervous system and studies show it likely has antispasmodic effects as well. This means that the use of this essential oil can help to stop or slow the transmission of parasympathetic nerve impulses in the body. Most people who suffer from nerve related disorders are familiar with the fact inflammation is a root cause of nerve pain. Thankfully, according to research, the antioxidant properties in this extract seem to play a large role in its reduction, including “inflammatory enzyme inhibition, free-radical scavenging activity and corticoid-like effects”.
Supporting both the immune and lymphatic systems as well, Helichrysum is one of Mother Nature’s natural medicinal resources for nerve pain.
Wintergreen Essential Oil

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) with Red Berries – Ontario, Canada
MEDICINAL: Analgesic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Anti-inflammatory, Astringent, Carminative, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Muscle Relaxant.
Used medicinally, Wintergreen Essential Oil is reputed to increase circulation, enhance metabolic function and enhance digestion, promote the body’s detoxification, calm inflammation, ease pain, and soothe symptoms of psoriasis, colds, infections, as well as the flu.
Those who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, gout, joint pain, and muscular aches often seek out ointments with Wintergreen in their formulations, as its stimulating quality has an anesthetic effect that helps temporarily numb painful areas while simultaneously contributing the sensation of warmth. The stimulating activity of Wintergreen Oil helps prevent toxins from gathering in any one spot inside the body and helps to facilitate their elimination, which in turn helps naturally and safely shed weight as excess bodily pollutants are expelled.
Its warming quality is also valuable for helping to resist or reverse obstructed blood flow, which makes it popular in remedies for frostbite, injuries, and stings or bites caused by poisonous or rabid animals and insects. Used in massages, Wintergreen Essential Oil contributes a comforting sense of revitalization to exhausted and tender muscles. Its antispasmodic and carminative properties help to decrease spasms, whether they occur in the respiratory tract, the digestive or nervous systems, or in the muscles.
Juniper Essential Oil
Used by Native Americans for centuries for its healing power, Essential Oil of Juniper is another go-to medicinal choice for nerve pain. This one, as an antalgic, primarily focuses on pain. Working together with its anti-inflammatory properties, Juniper oil reduces both inflammation and nerve pain. This medicinal extract also stimulates the release of toxins and uric acid, which aids the nervous system in general. Juniper also eases tension and reduces muscle spasms, sometimes eliminating them altogether once applied.
Peppermint Essential Oil
The most active components of Peppermint essential oil are Menthol and Menthone, which are known to reduce pain and to invigorate, energize, and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, respectively.
Extracted from the Peppermint herb, the uses of this cherished plant and its benefits have been traced back to Chinese and Japanese folk medicine practices and even Ancient Egyptian times where dried Peppermint leaves were found placed in tombs inside the pyramids. Peppermint is also mentioned in Greek mythology in the story of the nymph “Mentha” or “Minthe,” who is transformed into the sweet-smelling herb that releases a powerful, lingering aroma every time she is stepped on.
The most active of these components are Menthol and Menthone. Menthol is known to be analgesic and is thus beneficial for reducing pain such as headaches, muscle aches, and inflammation. Menthone is known to be analgesic as well, but it is also believed to show antiseptic activity. Its invigorating properties lend the oil its energizing effects.
Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender field
Often used successfully for conditions such as neuralgia, sciatica, muscle cramping and spasms, and other nerve related pain
A 2017 study on lavender’s ability to alleviate neuropathic pain with spared nerve injury showed that this extract actually gave relief par with 7mg of morphine – minus the side effects.
Geranium Essential Oil
When applied in a massage, Geranium Essential Oil is known to encourage muscles to contract, which firms the appearance of muscles and results in the body looking toned over time. By increasing collagen production, Geranium Oil is known to enhance elasticity and to maintain the skin’s softness and smoothness, which is especially beneficial on skin that has been exposed to chemicals, UV radiation, or rough physical activity.
Chamomile Essential Oil
The health benefits of chamomile essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic, antidepressant, antineuralgic, antiphlogistic, carminative, and cholagogic substance. Moreover, it is a cicatrizant, emmenagogue, analgesic, febrifuge, hepatic, sedative, nervine, digestive, tonic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, sudorific, stomachic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, vermifuge, and a vulnerary substance.
Helps treat dysfunctions of the circulatory system, stimulate circulation and detoxify the blood from toxins like uric acid. Thus they help to treat ailments like rheumatism and arthritis, which are caused due to improper circulation and accumulation of uric acid. These abilities classify them as good antiphlogistics, agents which reduce swelling and edema.
Helps calm almost all nervous disturbances or hyper-reactions which result in convulsions, spasms, nervousness, and loss of control over limbs. They are nervine, meaning they keep the nerves and the nervous system in a state of good health and proper functioning.
In ancient Egypt, Chamomile Oil was said to symbolise the sun and was dedicated to the God, Ra, due to its purported healing properties.
Lemongrass Essential Oil
Lemongrass essential oil helps to improve blood circulation and can therefore relieve muscle spasms and backaches. Frankincense and cypress essential oils are also awesome at reducing inflammation and improve circulation, which helps reduce pain and spasms
Lemongrass oil benefits also include its ability to help relieve muscle aches, cramps and spasms. (7) It may also help to improve circulation. (8)