Roll On, Erase Your Pain!
This Essential Oil Blend is compounded to provide relief with Pain
Pain Eraser Ingredients and Benefits:
Eucalyptus Oil:
The volatile eucalyptus oil is analgesic and anti-inflammatory in nature. Therefore it is often recommended to patients suffering from rheumatism, lumbago, sprained ligaments and tendons, stiff muscles, aches, fibrosis and even nerve pain. The oil should be massaged in a circular motion on the affected areas of the body.
Wintergreen Essential Oil:

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) with Red Berries – Ontario, Canada
The health benefits of Wintergreen Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties like analgesic, anodyne, anti rheumatic & antiarthritic, antispasmodic, anti septic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emenagogue and stimulant. Wintergreen is a tree native to North America and it was they who believed to have discovered the use of its oil to drive away pain in muscles and joints.
Frankincense Essential Oil:
It relieves pain associated with rheumatism and arthritis. It helps heal boils, infected wounds, acne, circulatory problems, insomnia and various types of inflammation.
A Few Words of Caution: There are no known adverse side effects. That being said, frankincense essential oil should not be used during pregnancy, since it does act as an astringent.
Ylang-Ylang Oil:
Ylang-ylang can provide releif from stress and anxiety. This oil sedates or calms nervous afflictions, stress, anger and anxiety, while inducing a relaxed feeling.
Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil is a health booster for the nervous system. It strengthens the nervous system and repairs any damage it may have suffered. Furthermore, it also reduces stress on the nerves and protects them from developing a number of nervous disorders.
Rosemary Oil:
The ability of rosemary essential oil to relieve pain has resulted in its extensive use in treating headaches, muscle pains, rheumatism and even arthritis.
Massaging the affected area that is in pain with rosemary essential oil can give quickly relieve the pain. Vapor baths with rosemary oil are also found to be effective in the treatment of rheumatism. It has certain anti-inflammatory qualities as well, which makes it very good for relieving the pain from sprains and joint aches. Furthermore, it is known to stimulate blood circulation, which can relieve pain and also aid in coagulation of wounds for faster healing.
Peppermint Oil:
It is believed that the presence of calcium antagonism in peppermint oil helps remove pain from affected areas. It is also cooling in nature and is subsequently used to help reduce fever. It is frequently called a “refrigerant”, meaning that it can provide an intensely cold sensation to any affected area. In case of injury, wound, or healing process, topically apply peppermint oil to the area to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and eliminate the chances of uncomfortable inflammation.
Peppermint oil is a good home remedy for nausea and headaches. To quickly alleviate the pain of a headache, simply apply peppermint oil in a diluted form directly on the forehead. Inhaling peppermint oil can eliminate the effects of nausea and motion sickness, simply because of its relaxing and soothing effects. Its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties are part of the reason why it is so successful at relieving headache symptoms, and it is even used to reduce the pain of migraines in certain patients within 15 minutes of topical application, according to a study done in 2007.
Peppermint is able to provide relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion due to its refreshing nature. It is also effective against anxiety and restlessness. Furthermore, it stimulates mental activity, clears the mind, and increases focus on cognitive tasks. Peppermint oil is very effective for gastroscopy, colonoscopy and during double-contrast barium enema, where it is applied intraluminally. Further benefits of peppermint oil that might stem from its antispasmodic properties are being studied.
Lavender Oil:

Lavender field
Various types of pains, including those caused by sore and tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago. A regular massage with lavender oil can also provide relief from pain in the joints. A study done on postoperative pain relief showed that combining lavender essential oil vapor into the oxygen significantly reduced the amount of pain experienced, versus those patients only revived with oxygen after a major surgery.